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Many web sites have volumes of information relating to privacy online but we think you will find our information easy to digest!

When you visit our site there may be cookies used for tracking, but you may use any add blocker to stop these from going onto your computer.

These are only used by certain applications that may provide you features that are all opt-in. We do not push anything onto anyone’s computers ourselves,

Any information you post onto this web site will have your online name and email address registered, along with the current IP address you are using, and considering that we don’t allow anyone to post anything online… well, nothing to worry about in that respect!

Any data shared with us on this site is deemed to have been made freely, but we will never use that material nor share any of you details with any other business or individual.

If you use our remote assistance feature, it is restricted to be used only by our technicians and all activities are viewable by you at all times. There is no hidden activities performed on your computer system by our Teamviewer application.

If you have any concerns that you feel we have not covered, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us!